Well, I've had a pattern I bought years ago when I didn't really have time to sew, but thought someday I will make it. Well 2 Fridays ago I pulled it out and spent about 4 hours from reading the directions, ironing the fabric and cutting the fabric to make these pocket clutches. I was really happy with the one I made that on Saturday I made two more and then I couldn't stop. In one week I made 8 in total. Now I can make it without the directions anymore. Really nice.

I've been selling my coffee sleeves at a local coffee shop and that has been going great. In 4 days sold two. So last Friday I dropped off 4 pocket clutches to sell. It has been fun with that. I know I won't be able to do a whole lot soon when my baby comes. Just seeing what I can do for now.
I'm working now on getting ready for my baby Claire. I got my fabric yesterday and washed by last night. So today I plan to start making a canopy cover for the car seat. Making a couple for a friend at church too. Then I got a pattern from my mom for my birthday for a purse that has a ton of pockets that look like a great diaper bag. So I'm going to attempt to make that too.
We got a Pac-N-Play with a bassinet and changing table for the first couple months before we move to our house where we will have the room to have a crib and dresser. I have it set up and now it seems more real that my delivery date is in 7 weeks. So many things this month to get ready. Classes and tours at the hospital.