Homemade Dishwasher Soap:
2 Cups of Super Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer)
2 Cups of Borax
1 Cup of Kosher Salt
1-2 12oz containers of LemiShine
(I used one and it was fine)

Mix together all ingredients in a large bowl. You can store in a plastic bag or measure 1Tbsp. in ice cube trays and it will harden and use that for your washer. After a couple hours the powder will harden like a rock. I suggest plastic bag only because you can use a rolling pin or rubber mallet to pound it out. Once its hardened and you break it up it won't clump again. It takes 2Tbsp. per load. 1 Tbsp in each department or section.
I have been using it for almost a month and it was made noteworthy for you. I found the LemiShine at Walmart. On their website its supposed to be at Target too. Its about $3.00 per bottle.
If you still need a little more umph, then you can add distilled vinegar to your rinse aid and that will help too. It shouldn't make your dishes smell. Have a great day.